Don’t Be Low Hanging Fruit: Small Business Tips to Stop Hackers, Viruses and Malware

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It is time to stop ignoring the danger and possibility of getting hacked?

Hackers do not just target large corporations with multi-millionaire assets, in fact, this is the least vulnerable type of business as they generally invest accordingly into their cybersecurity.

Who are the biggest targets for hackers? Small and medium-sized businesses.

Hackers tend to go for easier targets, not only for the means of giving your computer a virus, but also to steal sensitive information that can be used as ransom or to as data that can be sold to your competition.

So, what can be done to stop hackers, viruses and malware from attacking your business? Let’s take a look at some of the most efficient strategies.

Staff Education

Limit data access to staff who are not on a need-to-know basis to certain information. Maintain a close circle of trusted people who have access to some data and only give administrator privileges to those who actually need them to help with the function of the business.

Educating your staff can also go a long way. The majority of security breaches in a business are initiated by a team member who just happened to have clicked on the wrong email or who surfed a website that contained malware.

Teaching your staff how to recognise these cyber threats will certainly help to reduce the risk of cyber attacks in your business.

Company Procedures

Believe it or not, companies sometimes get lazy with their routine security procedures and forget to take care of cumulative data. Companies should do a routine clean-up where they destroy physical and digital data that they no longer need or are required to retain by law.

Shredding old documents and paper files, along with destroying unused hard drives and wiping devices is all part of a healthy cybersecurity routine.

But to obtain a full spectrum of security, it’s important to look further than what is on a company’s hands. Third parties should also be informed about your business’ cybersecurity requirements so that they may abide by them and eliminate the risk of vendors, or otherwise, exposing you to a security breach.

This includes, restricting websites allowed on company equipment and creating a list of off-limit websites that could pose threats to your business.

Implementing the Right Policies and Strategies

Cybersecurity is implemented in business because it is not just a matter or privacy, it’s a matter of active criminal activity. You must create an internal policy that includes an incident response strategy, so that if a break occurs, your business will be able to act proactively.

Once a security breach has occurred, do not ignore it and put it in the hands of a professional, such as Kaesim Cybersecurity.

Only qualified and experienced companies have the knowledge and expertise to act quickly in these types of situations, and will be able to assess the threat level, eliminate the risk, and quickly mitigate possible threats that your business may face in the future.

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