Cyber Security Practices While Remote Working

Work From Home with Dog

Due to coronavirus, government requirements in Australia and New Zealand have pushed non-essential businesses to close. Many of these companies have been able to continue their operations by allowing their staff to work from home.

However, the casual work-style that comes from working at home is something that will not only slow down the spread of the virus, but that will also open a new door for lazy cyber security habits.

In a scenario where all staff is at reach within the same building, the IT department is normally readily at hand to take care of any possible cyber security breaches.

However, with most staff working from home, this possibility lays on the hand of the user. So, what can be done in a work-from-home scenario to keep staff safe? Kaesim Cybersecurity provide you with 4 suggestions or cyber security practices that will keep you safe.

1. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If at any moment you feel a little lost regarding security practices and how to implement or better security measures, don’t be afraid to ask your co-workers or your boss. It’s important to maintain open communication to prevent possible security breaches.

If you suspect that you have been breached, the worst thing you could do is try to fix it yourself without going to a professional to solve the issue. Instead, communicate and ask for help to solve the issue promptly. Remember that security breaches don’t only affect you, they also affect your workplace.

2. Stay Up to Date

One of the biggest reasons behind security breaches is outdated software. A lot of users disable automatic updates on their devices and forget to do routine manual updates and upgrades to their software. Updates serve the purpose of providing solutions for possible security holes, with a lack of updates, you don’t receive these patches that keep your devices safe.

3. Secure Your Devices

While most devices already count on multi-factor authentication, it is not enough to keep your devices safe. Something as simple as inserting a USB into your computer to share information can easily infect your system or an entire network.

This is when using the cloud comes in handy, as it eliminates the need of physically sharing a USB that may be contaminated.

Making unique passwords and setting up auto-lock for your devices are actions that also need to be taken into account in order to maintain your devices secure.

4. Establish a Security Policy with Your Staff

While the majority of companies have always had a cyber security policy in place, remote working has forced companies to re-evaluate their existing policies in order to accommodate work from home necessities. To establish or update a new security policy, it is necessary to communicate with your staff and lay down some rules.

To aid small businesses and start-up companies, Kaesim Cybersecurity can help to evaluate what your cyber security vulnerabilities are and to implement effective tools and guides to get you started.

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